We know that learnings are important. To grow, we need to learn.

We put great efforts in learning lessons that are generally acceptable. In school, we learn history, geography, math, science, chemistry, biology, language, social science etc. Our mind and our heart may not connect on certain subjects but we still go to learn. Some even go to advanced schools to be more learned. We enroll for special courses to gain additional knowledge. As we grow we learn lessons brought in by change, technology, systems etc. We spend all our time, money and resources to get a degree; it puts a stamp of qualification on us. It qualifies us to make things work in certain fields. It also enables us to earn money so that we can eat well to run well to learn well. We earn because of our learnings. Once we start earning we change what we’ve learnt so that others can pay for new learnings and we can continue earning!

In this age and time, learning happens only for earning!

We learn, we earn | Earning triggers actions | Actions enable learning | We learn, we earn again | Years pass

“It has been many years of learning but somehow things aren’t working”! This dash of sudden realization strikes our mind at some point in earning progress. Things aren’t working despite such efforts of learning and earning? We thought we were qualified with degrees to make things work. We somehow believed it without any realization.

“Things aren’t working” is the realization we go through after many years of efforts and learnings. It’s only when we realize we learn “Things aren’t working”.

A REALISATION is A LEARNING. A realization resulting from personal experience is a learning.

But why didn’t things work so far? We’ve learnt lots so our actions must be working somewhere; we may not know! We “don’t know” despite having learnt much of what we know. Does it mean we haven’t learnt what’s supposed to be known!

Things didn’t work because we haven’t learnt in actual sense. We went to history or biology classes but we didn’t feel / experience / realize those lessons. We didn’t give personal context to those lessons. We did not bother to go to actual situations where those lessons were useful to be applied. So in reality, when those lessons were required to be applied, we couldn’t do so; we never got results. Things never worked.

Let’s look at something we do not know even now.

Everyone is born to experience or realize something unique of his liking. One can’t experience everything and anything. It’s practically impossible. It’s very important to understand our liking to experience it fully to learn it fully! Our learnings aren’t learnings if we haven’t experienced them personally. In fact, it’s said that learnings aimed at only earning money aren’t learnings at all. The effort doesn’t result in real wisdom.

To learn something, we need to like it first and then once we learn it we need to apply it.

Knowledge of latest news isn’t a learning but of latest development in the field of your liking is. Watching a blockbuster movie may not be a learning but watching it when the subject connects with you most may be. For some, gossip may be a learning but for some it may not be. Excessive travel without enjoying/experiencing destination environment doesn’t impart any learning in true sense.

Every learning is a learning when personal experience, liking and context are added to it.

Real learnings move mountains. It has the power no less than a revolution. It exhibits emotions that glue broken pieces of society together. Real learning is a change agent replaceable with positive continuous growth. It acts; it doesn’t sit quietly. It feels that things are working wholesomely. Real learnings feel to have been working perfectly. It infuses sense of happiness along with achievement.

Our academic learnings grow only within the confines of our limited knowledge and capabilities. Unless controlled, it boosts our ego in all forms. Sometimes we acknowledge this but most of the times we don’t. Most of the times, at a point of correction, we realize that we aren’t fit enough to make change! It’s difficult to recognize existence of vast ocean of invisible knowledge around us because we don’t spend enough time identifying our likings and roles when required. We forget that it’s never too late!


It’s important to create daily context of our own likings. Once the context is build, we would automatically be directed to activities to be followed for relevant learnings.

There is a thin line between ego-obsession and liking. Ego boosts personal glory. Liking boosts personal knowledge and wisdom.


Real learnings are lifelong. In given context, it can be applied universally to anyone in need.

Be aware to build context with rational, emotional and environmental factors for every learning / realization.


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